Introduction to
Critical Reading
Teaching the application of critical reading techniques when evaluating academic texts
One of the main challenges students face when transitioning from school to international institutions of higher education is the significant contrast between directed reading for comprehension and the critical reading of academic texts. For example, the assignment instruction of ‘critically examine’ can be experienced as a threatening requirement that makes somewhat limited immediate sense from the perspective of students whose domestic education system is more teacher-centred.
Consequently, this professional development experience will provide colleagues with several practical examples that illustrate a step-by-step process to the teaching of critical reading skills based on different types of academic sources, such as in the contrast between primary and secondary research texts. Moreover, alternative note-making strategies will be reviewed. The five themes covered on this course are:
Exploring the contrast between comprehension and critical reading
Examining the central role of critical reading throughout the student learning experience
Analysing the relationship between critical thinking and critical reading
Illustrating the importance of selective and accurate note-making in the critical reading process
Teaching students how to avoid common errors during the process of critical reading in relation to the completion of academic assignments
The Course Aim
To develop an awareness of the process of critical reading in an international learning context
The Course Objective
By the end of this course, participants should be able to teach the key stages of critical reading and highlight the relationship with critical thinking skills
The Key Learning Outcomes
The primary learning outcomes will focus on supporting educators to do the following:
Identify the contrast between comprehension and critical reading
Highlight the relationship between critical reading and critical thinking in relation to evaluating academic texts
Examine the causes of common errors that students make when attempting to demonstrate critical reading in assigned tasks
Teach the importance of selective note-making when critically reading texts and the importance of such notes in the process of accurate summarising
Evaluate alternative strategies for applying critical reading techniques to different types of academic texts
For Organisations
Please contact us for further information on course design for EAP options and for professional development opportunities for educators.
Professional development courses are tailored to match the specific needs of clients that include members of university departments, international schools, colleagues teaching in English-medium environment, or individual educators.
If you require further information about the possible tailored focus on these professional development opportunities, please contact us for a free initial consultation.
If further discussion is required on your professional development requirements following the first consultation, please book a subsequent consultation.
See also:
Learning Expectations to examine contrasting cross-cultural teaching and learning expectations
Critical Thinking to evaluate the process of developing critical thinking in a cross-cultural context
Course Design to investigate practical approaches to course and materials design