In the blog last, we explored the key learning subskills essential for the successful management of the summarising process. This week we will examine an example of analysing and narrowing down assigned task in more detail. Sadly, failure to fully understand and complete the analysis of a task is one of the major reasons for the underachievement of students due to either gradually wondering off the issue or omitting some key requirement in the response.
Challenges when analysing and narrowing down assigned tasks
1. Not being taught the process
One significant factor here is that the process of analysing and narrowing down the task is something that needs to be taught especially at the early stage of the university experience. It is a highly complex process and that cannot be self-taught effectively.
2. Limited understanding of the importance
Unfortunately, many students are unaware of the critical importance of carefully and accurately analysing the task, making sure they comprehend the vocabulary and identify the key response required by the educator.
3. Confusion about the purpose
In addition to failing to understand the importance, many students do not fully appreciate the purpose of task analysis especially in the context of the process of summarising. For example, without analysing the question it is impossible to identify specific academic texts essential for addressing the required task outcomes.
4. Unfamiliarity with the subject
The demanding challenge of analysing and narrowing down the task is obviously made more challenging if the student is unfamiliar with the subject and the subject specific vocabulary.
5. Challenges for overseas students
Students from teacher-centred educational cultures may initially find this skill of task analysis rather demanding. Put simply, in the teacher-led environment the educator is typically fully responsible for explaining every detail of the task.
6. Complexity, practice, and perseverance
Gaining an ability to successfully and accurately analyse the task is a complex process that requires persistent practice and patience before arriving at this stage where experience becomes comfortable.
Example of task or question analysis
Question 1
How can a failure to carefully analyse a task have such a negative consequence on grades?
Question 2
What exactly is meant by response expectations?
Question 3
Why is now important to gain an overview of the summering process?
We shall explore Question 3 in the next blog.