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Introduction to

Presentation Skills

Learning how to plan, design, and deliver effective presentations


Planning, designing, and delivering effective individual or group presentations can be an initial challenge for some international students. In addition to language pressures, presentations are not always an aspect of the domestic learning style agenda in some national education systems, especially in the form of graded assigned tasks.

Consequently, this course will guide students through all the key steps in the process of constructing academic presentations, focusing on how to use simple format templates that include examples of appropriate linking language phrases. Moreover, the process of managing the presentation audience will also be explored. The five themes covered on this course are:

  • Analysing how to evaluate the key task requirements and how to research appropriate information

  • Evaluating practical templates for the design of presentations

  • Examining appropriate language phrases to establish logical cohesion and coherence

  • Explaining how to practice presentations and effectively deliver information without memorisation

  • Learning how to manage the audience, avoid stress, and respond appropriately to questions

The Course Aim

To enhance an awareness of the key stages in the process of planning, designing, and delivering effective presentations

The Course Objective

By the end of this course students should be able to plan, design and deliver effective presentations that respond appropriately to the required assigned task objectives and show sensitivity to the wider target audience.

The Key Learning Outcomes

The primary learning outcomes focus on an ability to do the following:

  • Brainstorm and research the key assigned task requirements

  • Plan the basic presentation outline

  • Design the draft organisation

  • Evaluate the presentation audience learning needs

  • Incorporate key linking phrases

  • Demonstrate attractive voice techniques

  • Emphasise positive non-verbal signals

  • Manage the use of presentation slides

  • Interact positively with the audience

  • Respond effectively to audience questions

Course fee: $60.00

Access to the material valid for one month

Additional Online Tutorial Opportunities

If you are already taking this course using the self-study material but would also like an additional one-on-one online discussion about any of the issues, please book a tutorial session.

Tutorial session fee: $40.00

40 minutes tutorial session via Skype or Zoom

See also:

  • Academic Style to learn how to improve the challenge of communicating in an academic style


  • Project planning to learn how to develop project planning and assignment management skills


  • Teamwork Skills to learn how to develop the skills to work effectively in teams

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